
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The value of every human being lies in their capability to purify their thoughts, words and deeds.

The value of every human being lies in their capability to purify their thoughts, words and deeds. The three instruments you have - mind, tongue and hand, must be sanctified to raise you to the highest level. A person is judged by their spoken words. The spoken word, though it may be short and appears to be only a sound, has in it, the power of an atom bomb. When a word of hope is spoken to a person sunk in despair, it charges them with elephant’s strength. When a word of calumny is uttered to a person who is extremely strong and happy, it can lead them to slump on the ground overcome by sorrow. Words can confer strength; they can drain one’s energy too. Words can win friends; words can turn friends into enemies as well; they can elevate or lower an individual. You must learn the habit of making your words sweet, soft and pleasant.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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