
Friday, September 27, 2019

Duryodhana’s hatred and jealousy brought a complete ruin of himself and the Kaurava clan. Give up jealousy, ego and hatred.

God is the embodiment of Love. To experience God, you must fill yourselves with love. Through Love alone can you experience the embodiment of Love. The person filled with jealousy and hatred is like a blind man who cannot see the Sun, however brightly it may shine. Covered by ignorance, such a person cannot see God, however near He may be. The wise person (Jnani) filled with good qualities like truth, love, absence of jealousy, ego and hatred, can see God without searching for Him. Students, youth and elders alike should give no room for evil traits like jealousy. You must feel happy when others succeed in studies, sports, or profession. To feel jealous towards the successful person is a threefold offence. The first offence is one's neglect of duty or studies; the second offence is to entertain jealousy towards the better individual; and the third is to lament over one's own failure.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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