
Monday, March 2, 2020

All good qualities automatically gather around the person who practises control of speech and constant contemplation of the Lord.

Look at the crane; it walks about pretty fast in water. But while walking, it can’t catch fish; for that purpose, it must become quiet and stand motionless. So also, if one proceeds with greed, anger, jealousy, etc., one cannot secure the fish of truth (satya), righteousness (dharma), and peace (shanti). Whatever spiritual practice one may have, one must practise uninterrupted remembrance of the name (namasmarana). Only then can one master the natural attributes of greed, anger, etc. All scriptures (sastras) teach but this one lesson: since the Lord is the universal goal and this journey of life has Him as the destination, keep Him constantly in view and subdue the mind which makes you wander away from the path. All good qualities automatically gather around the person who practises control of speech and constant contemplation of the Lord.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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