
Friday, March 13, 2020

Thought for the Day

When a lamp is lit in the temple, remember, it is not the temple or the deity that needs illumination, it is the worshipper. The material temple of stone and mortar might be lit up by means of a few bulbs and lamps, but really speaking, everyone is a moving temple with the Lord installed in the shrine of the heart. That shrine must shine, bright and clear. Now, it is plunged in the darkness of falsehood, injustice, cruelty and pride. The act of ‘lighting up’ symbolises illumination of the heart, destruction of the darkness of egoism and ignorance, so that the Lord might be revealed in all His Glory. The trouble is that even though knowledge is growing fast in all fields, wisdom is lagging. People are slaves of passion and pride, and are infected with envy, cynicism and conceit everywhere. They let their mind drag them wherever it wills! Control of the mind can be achieved through spiritual discipline and training!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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