
Sunday, March 15, 2020

Moderate food, moderate sleep, love (prema), and fortitude will help in the upkeep of the health of both body and mind.

Devotion is not wearing an ochre cloth or organising festivals or performing ritual sacrifices or shaving the hair or carrying water pot or rod or matting the hair, etc. The Lord will never judge you at any time on the basis of the religion or caste you belong or the precepts you traditionally follow. The real characteristics of true devotion are: (1) Having a pure mind (anthah-karana) (2) Uninterrupted contemplation on God, whatever be your profession in daily living (3) The feeling that everything is the Lord’s creation and therefore One (4) Acceptance of all with equal love (5) Non-attachment to sense objects, and (6) Practicing true speech. Whoever you are, in whatever condition you may be, if you do not give room for dispiritedness, if you have no fear at all, and if you remember the Lord with unshaken faith and without any ulterior motive, all your suffering and sorrow will surely fall away!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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