
Sunday, June 7, 2020

Thought for the Day

The bamboos in a thicket that grow densely in a forest may rub against each other and this could start a fire. The fire that is so generated will become bigger and bigger as a result of the breeze. Gradually it will become a big forest fire destroying the entire forest. So also some people, as a result of their educational attainments, power, wealth and position develop a great deal of ego. Because of this ego, they give a lot of trouble to good people and sadhakas around them. Beware and examine your ego everyday! To protect the virtuous and re-establish dharma, God takes a human form from age to age. Avatars appear time and again only to help human beings, by leading an exemplary life and demonstrating how to lead a good life. Remember, whatever God does, it is always for our own good. All His actions are intended for our good. Recognise this truth and conduct yourselves accordingly.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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