
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Thought for the Day

The Vedas have declared, “Revere the mother as God, father as God, and preceptor as God.” In daily existence, they are gods for worldly purposes. For the human body, the mother, father and preceptor are to be deemed as divine. But for the pursuit of life, the Supreme Divine is the only God. There is another Sanskrit saying that hails God as mother, father, kinsman, friend, wealth, knowledge, and in fact the Supreme Lord of everything. This means that for the spiritual life, God is everything. The mother and father are residents of the home. The preceptor dwells in his ashram. But God is the indweller of the heart. Only God can reside in the heart. It is true that mother, father, and preceptor are divine, but they are not entitled to dwell in the heart. They have to be revered, adored, and made happy. God alone deserves to be worshipped. God is nearer to man than his mother, closer than even the father. To give up such God is a heinous sin. This is the truth proclaimed by Sai.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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