
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Thought for the Day

The lotus leaf is born underwater and it floats on water but it does not get wet. Likewise, you must be in the world — in it, by it, for it, but not of it. The special feature of higher education is to prepare you for this role. That is to say, you must live thus on earth with your heart immersed in the Divine and your hands busy in work. Love should not degenerate into an article of commerce. Love fulfils itself in love. According to the point of view of great people and of the spiritual teachers of India, one advances not from falsehood to truth but from the partly true to the fully true. Each individual Atma can be called a garuda bird, which soars higher and higher and, gathering supernatural strength, at last reaches the solar orb with unlimited splendour and majesty.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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