
Saturday, October 30, 2021

The tongue has two functions: speaking and eating. Whoever is able to master these two faculties, will be able to raise oneself to the level of the Divine.

The second flower is the flower of sense control (Indriya Nigraha). All spiritual practices will prove futile if one lacks sense control. Control of the senses is very essential for one and all. Lack of sense control is the main cause of all the unrest and agitation that you find in the world today. How can one control the senses? First of all, one should exercise control over the tongue. You must control your tongue as it always craves a variety of delicacies. You must ask this question, “O tongue, how many bags of rice, wheat and vegetables have you devoured! How many delicacies have you consumed! Fie on you if you are still not satisfied.” A morsel of food is enough to sustain the body (Bhikshannam Deharakshartham). You should eat for the sake of satisfying your hunger and sustaining the body. Do not give undue importance to taste!


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