
Saturday, October 30, 2021

To get angry is but the effort of a moment; but to remain peaceful, to become unaffected by the ups and downs of life, is the result of years of training in spirituality.

Every aspirant must enter the path of inquiry. Only then can the conviction dawn and grow that nature and all learning connected with nature are unreal; only then will these be given a relative value, not an absolute value! They are, of course, to be learnt and experienced as necessary for existence, as a daily routine. However, they should not be mistaken to be the highest knowledge, the unchanging eternal truth. That mistake, if committed, leads to an agitated mind (a-santhi). Agitation produces worry and anxiety, which in turn destroys peace. If you aspire for peace and equanimity, the basic thing is to have faith in the temporary nature of Nature and be engaged in the uninterrupted contemplation of the changeless Godhead. Therefore, do not be bound by selfish attachments. Engage yourself in the discharge of your duties. Do not allow yourself to be gladdened by success or saddened by failure. Be ready to renounce all that is harmful. Then, through discrimination, you can beat the drum of victory!


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