
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

You must take all the trouble and welcome all the patience needed, to seek Satsang and remain therein

The easiest and most fruitful method of keeping yourself free from dust and rust is Satsang. The company of the good and godly will slowly and surely chasten and cleanse the person prone to stray away from the straight path towards Self-Realisation. Care must be taken to see that you select and stick to the proper company. A cup of water has no cash value; but, if it’s poured into ten cups of milk, it acquires the value that people attach to milk! If on the other hand, one cup of milk is poured into ten cups of water, it loses its value and is condemned as useless. So, the Satsang you join must be purer, more venerable, and sticking to higher ideals of virtue and truth than yourself! When a smoker joins a group of non-smokers, there’s every likelihood of his giving up that bad habit; but, when a non-smoker falls into a den of smokers, he’s certain to become a victim soon! Such is the subtle influence of the company one keeps!


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