
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What are the truly worthy things we can pray for?

 When people pray to God they should not seek any favours. You should not even pray for the curing of any illness, because the world is full of disease. You must feel that what is ailing numerous others is also ailing you. The world is full of wealth, houses and many other things. You must seek from God what is not readily available in the world. You do not have peace. You must pray for peace. Only the divine has peace. The Divine has been described as the very embodiment of peace in the prayer addressed to the Lord beginning with the word ‘Shantakaram.’ Nobody else except God can give you real peace. The second thing for which you must pray is Sukham (happiness). Real happiness cannot be had from others. They may give momentary worldly pleasure. But only God has enduring happiness and permanent bliss. You must pray for that bliss. God alone can give it. He is the Lord of Bliss. You must pray to God for enduring peace and bliss, and not for any earthly gifts.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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