
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What is the role of divine company and spiritual effort or Sadhana?

 Charcoal is dark and signifies ignorance in the form of darkness. Fire throws light or brightness and signifies knowledge. So long as fire and charcoal are separated from each other, charcoal can only look at the fire but cannot get any of its brightness. However, when charcoal is put into the fire and brought into contact, it will also become bright and will become a part of fire. Therefore, when one comes in contact with the Divine, ignorance in the body will be removed. If we also do a little fanning, the charcoal will become fire faster. Such fanning truly is Sadhana. By sadhana, even an ignorant person can become a wise person. Realising this truth, Gopikas were near and dear to Krishna. All actions of Gopikas were intended to attain immortality but were not performed with any selfish motive. All the events that we read in the Bhagavata must be regarded as actions performed by the Gopikas with a pure and sacred heart. They regarded themselves as part of the Lord. They experienced unity in all creation. We should not take these actions in a superficial manner. Their desires were completely burnt out in the thought of the divine.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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