
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

What should we do to experience divinity and stay connected with Him always?

 The reality is cognisable everywhere; why, it is evident most in oneself when you earnestly seek it. You can experience it, even while performing selflessly your duty to yourself and others. I shall indicate to you today, four directives for sanctifying your lives and purifying your mind, so that you can contact God within you! Tyaja durjana samsargam (give up the company of the wicked); Bhaja sadhu samagamam (welcome the chance to be among the good); Kuru punyam ahoratram (do good deeds both day and night); Smara nityam-anityatam (discriminate and remember that which is lasting)! When one does not attempt to transform oneself thus, he is apt to blame God for his sorrows, instead of blaming his unsteady faith! He blames God because he announces himself as a devotee too soon, and expects plentiful grace. Grace cannot be claimed by such people; God must accept the devotee as his own. One has to use his talent of discrimination to sift the trash and discard it in preference to the valuable. Doing good deeds means doing selfless service to others. One has to flee from bad persons to search for and win the friendship of the good, who can cleanse us and heal us.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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