
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Why is Bhagawan’s role as the Guru very critical in our lives?

 Atma is omnipresent. Atma is infinite. Atma is the One without a second. But, it appears as many because of the diversity of forms. Spirituality is that which recognises the One that subsumes all diversities as the Atma. Unfortunately, today there are many intellectuals who divide the One into the many. But there are very few who see the One in the many. Here is an example. We have built a mansion. In this mansion, we have one room for bath, one for cooking, another for dining and yet another for living. What is responsible for this division? There are walls in between. If you remove the walls, the mansion becomes one again. Because of the walls in between, there are different rooms with different names and forms. Similarly, the mansion of Atma is only one. Since we have created in this mansion of Atma, different rooms of the body, senses, mind, intellect, will and ego, the diversity appears. Since this divisive tendency is on the increase among mankind today there is a great need for the Guru.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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