
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Thought for the Day

The love that is concentrated on oneself is as a bulb that illuminates the room alone, without shedding light outside the four walls. It is confined to the senses and never opens out to others, who are your kith and kin in God. There is another type of love, larger and deeper, which expands into the members of one's family. It is like moonlight, not strong enough to make things clear, but enough to move about in. It also undergoes rise and fall, increase and decrease. But the most desirable type of love is like the sunlight - ever engaged in purifying, activating, and illumining without any distinction. This love will make one act ever in the spirit of dedication to the Lord. Then all the acts would be elevating and holy. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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