
Monday, February 4, 2019

True devotion lies in accepting both pleasure and pain with equal-mindedness.

The Lord has revealed to Arjuna, and thereby to all mankind, that He is pleased by the devotion offered by aspirants for grace. He declares: Bhaktiman me priyo narah (A truly devoted person is very dear to Me, Gita Ch 12, Verse 19). Many may assert with the pride of achievement that they love God. That takes them only half-way through in the journey. One will not gain much therefrom. You must ask yourself, did God respond with‘me priyo narah’ (he or she is dear to Me)? Only then you can claim to have achieved Divine Grace. Divine Grace alone confers the most precious gift of His Love. How can one become 'dear' to God? The Gita emphasises two qualifications: Santushta Satatam(ever contented) and Dhruda niscayah (with firm resolve). The devotee has to be contented and cheerful always, without regard for the changing tides of fortune.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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