
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Thought for the Day

In the Treta age, vanaras (monkeys) were made to act and talk likenaras (humans). In the Dwapara age, nara (human) was transformed into Narayana (God) by the grace of Narayana. In the Kali age (the era we are in now), the declaration is made that the nara is Narayana Himself! The space in the pot and the space in the monastery are identical with the vast space in the sky; only the disguises of the pot and monastery keep up the illusion of separateness. The senses are the villains; they instill the delusion that you are the body. Curb them as the bull is curbed by the nose ring, the horse by the bit in the mouth, and the elephant by the goad. First self, then help. Improve yourself, teach yourself, reconstruct yourself. Then proceed to solve the problems of others. This reconstruction is quite easy, provided you inquire calmly into your own personality - “Am I the body or the senses or the mind or the intellect,” and so on.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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