
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Thought for the Day

The tree of Life has to be watered at the roots, but now, those who plan to raise the standard of living, water the branches, the leaves and the blossoms. The roots are the virtues; they have to be fostered so that the flowers of actions, words and thoughts may bloom in fragrance and yield the fruit of seva(service), full of the sweet juice of bliss (ananda). Planning for food, clothing and shelter is only promoting the well-being of the cart; plan also for the horse, the mind of man which has to use the food, the clothing, the shelter and other material instruments for the high purpose of 'escaping from the ego into the universal'. Each one of you is fundamentally Divine, and so, naturally, the more you manifest the Divine attributes of Love, Justice, Truth and Peace, the more bliss you will be able to enjoy and impart. You must be ashamed when you manifest animal qualities, for you are living against your potential and heritage. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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