
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Desire destroys devotion, anger destroys wisdom, and greed destroys work – hence these bad qualities must be sacrificed.

Presently devotion is only ‘deep ocean’, where people are submerged in the ocean of worldly life. People talk about compassion, but are concerned only with ‘fashion’. They mouth the word ‘co-operation’, but indulge only in ‘operation’. Presently, devotion is becoming a pompous show. To secure the grace of the Divine, it is not necessary to seek knowledge, wealth, power or position. Purity of mind alone is enough. Every cell of one's body will be filled with the Divine when God is worshipped with pure and single-minded devotion. To the self-sacrificing devotee, God will be Omnipresent. True knowledge comes when one is confronted with an extreme moral crisis. This was the situation Arjuna faced when he was placed between the two opposing armies. Parikshit faced a similar crisis when he learnt he had only one week to live. During such crisis one thinks of God and seeks Divine help. The Lord is ever ready to answer the prayers of true devotees.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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