
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Select any Name and Form for this all-pervasive immanent God that appeals to you and keep those on your tongue and before your mental eye.

Discover your holiness, your divinity, the real truth! At times, you may have doubts as to which action is righteous (dharmic), which is the truth (Satya), which is divine love (prema), and so on. I understand; but no one has any doubts about themselves, is it not? So, find out who you are and remain true and fixed in that enquiry for truth. That alone is enough to save you, to give you everlasting joy! This is the essence of the teachings from the Vedas and Upanishads, this was experienced by our sages and saints and expounded by scholars in their discourses. Remember the God in whom you move, the God who makes you move, the God who is all this vast universe, every atom, and every huge star. Select any Name and Form for this all-pervasive immanent God that appeals to you and keep those on your tongue and before your mental eye. This activity is called japa-sahita dhyanam (meditation-cum-recitation of the Name)

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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