
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Thought for the Day

How can one become 'dear' to God? The Gita emphasises two qualifications: Samtushtah Satatam (ever contented) and Dhruda nischayah (firm resolve). All possess this qualification of Dhruda nischayah; it is an asset that assures survival, and secures popularity and pre-eminence. Those who climb Himalayan peaks derive the tenacious courage from the firmness of their resolve not to turn back. Someone else exhibits heroism in crossing tumultuous oceans alone. Some others resolve on exploring fearful forests. Firmness of resolution, bravery and skill are utilised even for merciless torture of others to rob them of their riches. Ignoring their inner divinity and setting aside humanness, some descend to demonic levels. Valmiki, when he was Ratnakara, used his courage and adventurousness in wicked ways. Contact with the Seven Sages and their teachings made him direct the same qualities towards Rama. He was transformed so completely that he became the author of the Ramayana. We have to conclude that dhruda nischayah can serve good purposes as well as evil.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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