
Sunday, September 23, 2018

It is wrong to find faults in others.

You are born in this vast universe. You are living in this wide world. So, you should have broad feelings. Man, living in this vast world, should not have narrow feelings. It is wrong to find faults in others. There may be faults in them. But do not see their faults, see their good qualities. Then the entire universe becomes one family. This is the spirit of ‘brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God’. Such feelings promote universal brotherhood. Mamai Vamso Jeevaloke Jeevabhuta Sanatana (the eternal Atma in all beings is a part of My Being). The Divine is the source of the entire creation. He is the creation, the Creator and the director of the universe. Divinity is invisible. It cannot be understood. Recognise that you all are the reflections of the Divine. Then you will not hate anyone or feel jealous of anyone; you will be free from egotism.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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