
Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thought for the Day

The name ‘Vi-nayaka’ means that He is a master of Himself. He has no master above Him, He does not depend on anyone. Vinayaka is also called ‘Vighneswara’. Easwara means one who is endowed with every conceivable form of wealth: riches, knowledge, health, bliss, beauty, wisdom, etc. Vighneswara confers all these forms of wealth on those who worship Him and removes all obstacles to their enjoyment. As everyone in the world desires wealth and prosperity, everyone offers the first place for worship to Vigneswara. Thus Vinayaka is described as ‘Pratama Vandana’ (the deity who should be worshipped first). Vinayaka also removes all bad qualities, instils good tendencies and confers peace on the devotee who meditates on Him. It is only when the inner meanings of various aspects relating to the Divine are understood that worship can be offered to the Divine meaningfully.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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