
Friday, September 28, 2018

Thought for the Day

You have not yet realised the secret of this Advent. You are indeed lucky, more fortunate than many others. Only when Yasoda found every length of rope a little short to go round Krishna’s belly that she discovered that He was the Lord. So too, you will realise every description of My Divine Glory a little too short of the actuality. Do not argue and quarrel amongst yourselves. Examine, experience! Then you will know the truth. Do not proclaim before you are convinced. Be silent when you are undecided or evaluating. Of course, you must discard all evil in you before you can attempt to evaluate the mystery. And when faith dawns, fence it around with discipline and self-control, so that the tender shoot might be guarded against the goats and cattle - the motley crowd of cynics and unbelievers. When your faith grows into a big tree, those very cattle can lie down in the shade that it will offer!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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