
Friday, September 21, 2018

Thought for the Day

The story of Rukmini Kalyana (marriage of Rukmini to Lord Krishna) is the story of the union of Purusha (the Supreme Spirit) with Prakriti (creation, the objective world) itself. Rukmini is the individual self (jiva), and Krishna is the Supreme Self (Paramatma). She suffers from the rules and restrictions imposed by the objective world; egoism is her brother, worldliness is her father. But on account of her good conduct, her mind rested on God. Her prayers, repentance, yearning, and steadfastness were amply rewarded. The parents, brother and all the relatives objected, but an individual is born to work out their destiny, not to act a role in someone else’s drama. One is born to serve out one’s sentence; when the sentence ends, one is free. You shall not remain in prison on the pretext that a dear comrade is still in! Just think of this fact: Rukmini had not met Krishna before; there was no preliminary wooing. The soul yearned, and it won.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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