
Saturday, September 22, 2018

Thought for the Day

Have you heard the story of the rabbit that borrowed from Mother Earth four paise? She thought that if she moved into a new place or country she would be free from the obligation. So one day, she ran as fast as her legs could carry her and went extremely far away from the place where she took the amount from Mother Earth. Pleased with her endeavor herself, she sat down in great relief and said to herself, “Now no one will ask me to repay!” To her utter dismay, right beneath where she sat, from the ground underneath, she heard a voice, “Mother Earth is right underneath your feet, right here. You cannot escape me, however far you run!” So too, you cannot run away from Me. All I demand is good conduct, good habits, good thoughts and good company, wherever you are. Use this precious opportunity to strive earnestly, more than ever before, to reach your goal.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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