
Monday, September 10, 2018

Thought for the Day

When you sing bhajans, dwell also on the meanings of the songs, and the message of each Name and Form of the God you sing. For example, when you sing ‘Rama’, the name should evoke in you the righteousness (Dharma) He embodied and demonstrated. When you sing of ‘Radha’, the greatest of the Gopis, the name should evoke in you the supramental and super-worldly love she had for Lord Krishna. When you call out to ‘Shiva’, the name should evoke the supreme sacrifice of the drinking of the halahala poison to save the world and sustain goodness in the Universe, and the cool Grace heightened by the cascading of Ganges and the moonlight from the crescent. Thus, know the purpose ofBhajana or Namasmarana and devote yourself wholeheartedly to it; derive the maximum benefit from the years allotted to you. Do not waste time singingbhajans as a routine, purposelessly; instead let every moment of your life be a true adoration!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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