
Sunday, November 3, 2019

Thought for the Day

As long as life persists, you will be caught up in heights and depths, good and bad, rights and wrongs. Duality is inevitable. It is even necessary. However, to enjoy the sweet fruit of love, you must peel the rind of anger, malice, envy and greed. Use the bitterness in you to preserve and develop the sweetness within yourself. From the experience of saints and sages, you can realise that the joy got from the external world is infinitesimal when compared with the bliss won through spiritual discipline. To win that bliss, spiritual effort with detachment is essential. To draw water from the earth through a bore, the bore-pipe must be free from air so that the water rises up. If air enters, the water will not rise. So too, be sure that attachment to worldly things does not mar your spiritual efforts. Love will not well up if sensual pleasures and personal pride invade the mind!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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