
Monday, September 30, 2024

All service should be regarded as an offering to God and every opportunity to serve should be welcomed as a gift from God.

 Wherever you may be, render service with all your heart. Consider that in rendering service, you are serving yourselves and not others. That will confer on you self-satisfaction (Atma-trupti). You must examine whether in doing service, you are deriving self-satisfaction or are you are trying to show off. If there is ostentation in service, no real joy can be experienced from it. The ego will not go. And without the elimination of the ego, you cannot experience spiritual bliss. Embodiments of Divine Atma! The world situation today is dreadful and frightening. Wherever you turn, fear confronts you. Whether you remain at home or go out into the street, whether you travel by train or walk on the road, fear haunts you. The world is enveloped in fear. To banish this fear, you must develop firm faith in God as the sole refuge. Shedding all fear, carry on your work with courage and determination, and without any worry, plunge into service activities!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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