
Monday, September 30, 2024

On the auspicious and holy occasion of Onam, what is the lesson from the life of Emperor Bali we must internalise?

 Bali had understood the glory and majesty of God. He told his Guru, "The Hand that grants boons to countless devotees, that Hand is stretched to receive what I offer in answer to the Lord's desire. That Hand has all the worlds in its grasp. And, what does the Lord wish to get from me? He is asking only for that which He has given me! He has come to me in this Form to ask from me all that I have because the same is what He has given me." Bali had convinced himself that the Lord gives and the Lord takes, that he is but an instrument, and that his destiny is to merge in the Lord. So, on this festival day, when we celebrate his dedication and renunciation, we must strengthen our faith that God's will must prevail and is prevailing over all human effort. And, we must realise that tyaga (sacrifice) is the highest Sadhana. Be like Prahlada and Bali. Do not be Hiranyakashipus, for these are blinded by egoism. Pray to God; let prayer be your breath. Do not conflict with God and be cursed. Take this as the message on this Onam Day.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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