
Monday, September 30, 2024

Why do we need a Guru to guide us and how can we repay the debt we owe to the great Gurus?

 You must learn eeta (swimming) to escape from the swollen river; Gita or the Lord's teaching you must learn to escape from the swirling torrent of birth-death. The Guru points out the guri (goal) to you; he reveals the Reality of the Self (Atma-tatwam). A man struggling in a bog cannot be saved by another who is also caught in its slime. Only one standing on firm ground can pull him out. So, Guru must have a secure footing, above and beyond the slush of worldliness (samsara). The sages struggled with themselves and elevated themselves into purer regions of thought, to discover their own truth. They felt the thrill of that discovery and sang of the freedom they gained. These songs serve as signposts and all who derive benefit therefrom must acknowledge the debt. How to repay the rishi-rna, debt we owe to sages? By study, by reflection on what they have sung of their liberation, by practising the sadhana they adopted, by proving them right out of your own experience!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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