
Monday, September 30, 2024

See the hand of God in everything that happens; then, you will not exult or grieve. Then your life will be one continuous worship or meditation.

 Light alone has the power to dispel darkness. Light has yet another power. Light (or the flame) always moves upwards. Even if you keep a lamp in a pit, the light will only spread upwards. The two important characteristics of light are to dispel darkness and go upwards. However, if the light has to shine without intermission as Akhanda Jyoti it needs a proper basis. First, the light needs a container. There must be a wick to light the flame. There must be oil in the wick and in the container. These three are not enough to make the light burn. A matchstick is needed to light the lamp. Can you make a light burn merely with a container, a wick and oil? Can you make jewels if you have only gold and gems? Can you have a garland with a needle, thread and flowers alone? You need someone to make the garland out of them. You need a goldsmith to make jewels from gold and gems. Similarly, there is need for someone to light the lamp, even when you have the other four materials. That someone is God.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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