
Monday, September 30, 2024

The proof for the existence of God stares mankind in the face every day. What is it?

 People ask, "Where is God?" The answer is provided by Nature. Who is it that has created the five elements, the five life breaths, the five sheaths, the five external sense organs and the five internal sense organs, which are all ceaselessly carrying on their functions according to their prescribed roles? The seasons in their regular cycle are teaching a good lesson to man. Therefore Nature is the demonstrable proof of the existence of God. Nature is not under any obligation to any man, it takes no orders from any man, and it operates according to the will of the Divine. The artificial instruments produced by man function for a time and then become useless. Scientists today have launched many satellites in space. Sooner or later they cease to function and drop away. No one knows how, when and in what circumstances the planets in Nature were created but they have been going around in space ceaselessly and unfailingly for billions of years. These planets have been created for the welfare of mankind and not for destructive purposes. God is the creator of the world for man's good.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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