
Monday, September 30, 2024

What is the most important and profound lesson Bharatiya culture has to offer to the world?

 From a stone to a diamond, from an ant to an elephant, from an ordinary man to a sage, everything and every being in Bharat was regarded as a manifestation of the Divine. Every object was considered worthy of worship. That was why they sanctified a stone image and worshipped it. Bharat is the land in which the tender Tulasi plant and the giant banyan tree were worshipped with equal devotion. Cows, horses, elephants and other animals were treated as sacred objects of worship. Even ants were considered worthy of care and protection and rice flour or sugar was offered to them every day. Crows and eagles, dogs and monkeys were deemed worthy of worship. Not realising the deeper truth underlying this attitude to various objects in creation, ignoramuses choose to regard this worship as a silly superstition. This is wholly wrong. Bharat considered that the expression of Divine love should not be confined to human beings but should be extended to all beings. This is the great ideal that Bharath has held out to the world.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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