
Monday, May 25, 2020

All are One, Be alike to everyone.

These days, listening to lectures and discourses has become just an itch, a craze. After hearing them once, people imagine they have known all. Don't just listen, practice and experience. Do not rest content with merely listening to advice. What you have listened to must later be reflected upon, and what has thus been imprinted on the mind has later to be experienced and expressed in thought, word and deed. Only thus can the truth be a treasure in the heart; only then can it flow through the veins and manifest in full splendour through you. The real purpose of the search for truth is to liberate oneself. The yearning must be deep and persistent. The longing to know and experience the truth will then become a yoga, a process of union.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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