
Monday, May 25, 2020

Thought for the Day

As children of the earth, people should learn the lesson of tyaga (selfless activity) from Mother Earth. Without sacrifice, it is difficult to sustain life itself. Some say knowledge is valuable. But character is more valuable than knowledge. One may be a learned scholar, one may hold high positions of authority, one may be very wealthy or be an eminent scientist, but if one has no character all the other acquisitions are of no use at all. Sacrifice, love, compassion and forbearance are the sterling human qualities that should be fostered, shedding jealousy, hatred, ego and anger, which are animal qualities. What is the use of being born as a man and leading a life of birds and beasts? You should maintain equanimity in pleasure and pain, loss or gain. Without pain, you cannot enjoy pleasure. Sorrow is verily the royal road to joy. Sufferings are the stepping stones that lead man towards virtuous conduct. One should neither be elated by pleasure not dejected by pain.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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