
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Thought for the Day

It may take many lives for a man or a woman to prove that they know what is best for them, that they are able to chalk out their own future without harming themselves or others, that they are aware of the pitfalls on the way. So it is best to trust the experience of sages, who were filled with compassion and who were moved by that compassion to illumine the path of liberation. This experience is enshrined in the Scriptures (Vedas). Faith in the Vedas irrigates the heart and makes it yield the harvest of universal love. The Sastras warn you of false steps, they console you in times of stress, they strengthen you in distress, and they give correct interpretations of moral dilemmas. They prescribe the dress, the food, the manner of speech, the methods of social conduct, the mode of mutual behaviour, and the lines of onward march. They are the conscience of society.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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