
Thursday, July 9, 2020

Thought for the Day

Love for Love's sake; do not manifest it for the sake of material objects or for the fulfillment of worldly desires. Desire begets anger, anger provokes sin, and under its impact, friends are seen as foes. Anger is at the bottom of every variety of calamity. Therefore, do not fall prey to it. Treat everyone, whoever they may be with the all-inclusive compassion of Love. This constructive empathy has to become the spontaneous reaction of all mankind. Saturate your every breath, while you inhale and while you exhale, with Love. Saturate each moment with Love. Love knows no fear. Love shuns falsehood. Fear drags man into falsehood, injustice and wrong. Love does not crave for praise; that is its strength. Only those who have no Love in them seek reward and reputation. The reward for Love is Love itself. Selfless love is the highest duty, the noblest Godliness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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