
Thursday, July 9, 2020

Thought for the Day

Poornima means effulgent Full Moon. Guru means (Gu - ignorance; Ru - destroyer) He, who removes the darkness and delusion from the heart and illumines it with Higher Wisdom. The Moon and the Mind are inter-related as object and image. Today, the Moon is full, fair and cool, its light is fresh, pleasant and peaceful. So the light of the Mind too must be pleasing and pure. In the firmament of your Heart, Moon is the Mind. There are thick and heavy clouds, sensual desires and worldly activities, which mar your joy at the Light of the Moon. Therefore, welcome the strong breeze of Love to scatter the clouds and confer on you the cool glory of moonlight. When devotion shines in full, the sky in the heart becomes a bowl of beauty and your life is transformed into a charming avenue of Ananda. That beauty of heart, that Ananda (bliss), must be won through the mind, by engaging in Sadhana (spiritual practice).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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