
Friday, June 7, 2024

How can we move from worldliness to true devotion to the Lord?

 People today are totally immersed in worldly concerns and do not devote any attention to the spiritual quest. It is true that involvement in worldly affairs cannot be given up totally. But all such actions can be sanctified by performing them in a spirit of dedication to the Divine. The Bhagavata demonstrates how this kind of dedicated life can be led by a devotee. It is not enough if you claim to be a devotee of the Lord. The Lord must recognise you as a devotee. Only then does one's devotion acquire value. Arjuna, for a long time, felt proud about his closeness to Krishna and about his devotion to Him. It was only towards the end he realised that he had to abide by the words of Krishna and completely surrender to the Lord. He then declared "Karishye Vachanam Tava" (I shall carry out Your words). No one should feel that it is beyond one’s capacity to surrender oneself completely to the Lord. If there is firm determination, this can be accomplished. It is only through earnest endeavour that Divine wisdom can be obtained.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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