
Sunday, June 30, 2024

What is the greatness of pure unsullied Bhakti?

 Narada saw a woman, shining as a star, lost in meditation; he was amazed at the halo of splendour around her crown. Narada wondered whether he could reach that depth of experience at any time in his career. His presence awakened her and when accosted, she revealed her identity. She was Brahma-Vidya-devata (the Goddess of the science of the awareness of Reality), the truth that jnana (wisdom) reveals! Narada's amazement was doubled by this revelation. "What need have you to meditate? Why this intense dhyana (meditation), that has silenced all Nature around you? What are you meditating on?" he asked. She declared, "I crave the supreme joy of contemplating on the Lotus Feet of Krishna; I meditate on them, making myself a Gopi, who has surrendered to Him." Such is the sweetness derivable through that contemplation, that bhakti (devotion).​​

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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