
Friday, June 14, 2024

What is the reason we forget our inner divinity and indulge in sinful acts?

 People dedicate half their lives to accumulating money. Do they use even a fraction of that time in spiritual pursuits? Do they perform sacred service activities? The body has been given to serve others - Paropakarartham idam shareeram. Why are people unable to recognise this truth? A person is a puppet in the hands of selfishness. Whatever one loves, one loves not for the sake of the object but for one’s own sake. When one loves a person, that’s for one’s selfishness as well. When you go deep into intentions, only selfishness is found. Making selfishness as foundation, one forgets the infinite Atma. First and foremost, if selfishness is curbed, one can easily avoid bad traits and behaviour. Fear of Sin, Love for God, and Morality in Society - these three precepts must be adored as Trimurtis (Divine Trinity of Godhead). Without fear of sin, people will not hesitate to do the most heinous act. Sinning by losing the fear of sin, adopting a path devoid of love for God — this destroys human qualities. This is the cause of uproar in the world.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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