
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Why is it important to take up Seva or selfless activities?

 Through right action one achieves purity of heart which leads to the acquisition of jnana (the higher spiritual knowledge). When right action is coupled with Jnana, there is true service. To feel that one should be the sole enjoyer of the results of one's actions is a sign of selfishness. It is naive to think that one alone is the doer of one's actions. All the things in the world are not intended for the exclusive enjoyment of any single person. They are to be shared by all. It is only when attachment to the fruits of one's actions is discarded that the action becomes yoga (Divine communion). Members of the Seva Dal should overcome the sense of 'mine' and 'thine.' When they embark on service activities, they should regard it as a privilege to serve others and look upon it as a form of worship of the Divine. They should look upon service to society as the means of finding self-fulfilment in life. They should face whatever problems may arise with faith and courage and carry on their service activities without fanfare in a spirit of humility and dedication.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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