
Friday, June 14, 2024

Thought for the Day

 Only persons endowed with Satwa guna (unruffled serenity) can have a vision of the Divine (Sakshatkara), and achieve the heroic victory. In money, there is no evil. In scholarship, there is no evil. In knowledge and intelligence, there is no evil. But evil arises from the activities which man carries on with their help. Pure water has no colour. Poured into a black bottle, it appears black. Poured into a red bottle, it appears red. The water does not become red or black; the colour is due to what we have done to it. When money, scholarship, cleverness and intelligence are possessed by persons in whom rajas (passion, emotion, extrovert qualities) predominates, they promote hatred, ambition and lust. When possessed by persons in whom tamas (sloth, dullness, conceit) predominates, they promote miserliness, greed and envy. When possessed by persons in whom Satwa (equanimity, balance, purity) predominates, they promote love, compassion, urge to serve, the unity of all mankind and World Peace. The sublimation of character into the stage of Satwa is the duty which everyone owes himself. This is the path; this is the real goal. You must try ceaselessly to tread the path and reach the goal.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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