
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Thought for the Day

 The ideal is to make your hearts temples for the Divine to dwell. But this is not possible for everybody. Temples in stone are reminders of the existence of God. When you see a lawyer you are reminded of your legal troubles. When you see a doctor you think of your illness. Likewise, when you see a temple, you are reminded of God. Temples are useful only as reminders. But true worship consists in heartfelt devotion to the God within each one. Purifying this temple of your heart, you must dedicate your life to service. It is such dedicated service, done in the spirit of sadhana, which distinguishes Sathya Sai Organisations. Innumerable Sai devotees, men and women, young and old, are rendering service in various forms out of their love for Sai. People talk about Swami’s vibhuti (sacred ash) and Swami's miracles. But the real miracle is Swami's boundless love. It is this love which is inspiring countless devotees to engage themselves in selfless service!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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