
Monday, June 3, 2024

Thought for the Day

 How many go around in the world with impurities in their minds without a sense of shame? If they make an honest examination of the impure state of their minds and the kind of double life they are leading, they will be able to get rid of their bad thoughts in a moment! What people are doing is concealing their thoughts, but are externally well-dressed and move about as impeccable persons. Of what use is such conduct? We attach importance to the external appearance of the body and value the respect shown to it. But one who cares only for the body and ignores the state of his mind is only a two-legged animal. It is not enough to appear to do right actions. Your motives and impulses must also be pure and unselfish. It is only when your motives are pure that the Divine will extend His grace. Whatever service you render, it must be unsullied. The motive is all important. The form of the action does not matter. Without pure impulses, actions get tainted at the source. If you are a good man, your actions will necessarily be good!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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