
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pepper rasam – recipe

Pepper …………….. 1 spoon
Jeeragam …………… ½ tea spoon
Red chilies…………. 5 pieces
Garlic ……………… .3pieces
Tamarind……………..small lime size

Keep the frying pan on the gas stove. When gets hot, put the pepper, Jeeraga and Red chilies in the pan and fry for few seconds. Off the stove. Then powder it by using the mixy small jar. ( Not to powder nicely). Take a small vessel put the powder in it. Smash the garlic and add with the pepper powder. Soak the tamarind and squeeze it and pour in powder. Add two cups of water and add salt as you require. Put the asafetida also. Keep the pepper water on to stove. When comes to the boiling stage off the stove. Add curry leaves and coriander leaves. Then keep the frying pan on the stove. Pour two tea spoon oil. When gets hot, put mustard and Jeeragaa and pour it in the pepper water. It will have a good taste and is good for your health.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will try it and let you know.