
Monday, May 20, 2024

Are we ready for the Lord’s call? What is the Lord searching for?

 In the Bible, it is said that “the devotee seeks God”. Ponder over this! Are the devotees searching for God, or is God searching for His devotees? God is everywhere, at all times! He need not be sought anywhere, at any time. But, God has to seek those who are His true devotees! What kind of devotee does God seek? He looks for a sincere, genuine, selfless, steady devotee. Besides, He seeks an ideal son or daughter who can be held before mankind as an example and an inspiration. Such individuals have become extremely rare nowadays. They style themselves devotees but they weep and wail when they ought to be really exulting! They exult when they have every reason to weep and wail! So, the Lord says, “I am searching, I am searching, still searching. I searched in the past, I search, and search now, for the man knowing and observing his Dharma true”!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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