
Monday, May 20, 2024

If evil thoughts dominate, the body indulges in bad actions; if good thoughts prevail, the body performs good actions

 If you throw a pebble into a well, ripples are created and they travel to the edge of the well. In the same way, if you throw a pebble called good thought into the well called the heart, the ripples generated travel throughout the body. When the ripple reaches the eye, it stimulates pure vision. When the ripple reaches the ears, it tunes the latter to sacred sounds. When the ripple reaches the hands, it swings them into good action. In this manner, when the ripples spread across the entire body, there is a symphony of sacred activity all around. Thus, good and noble thoughts are fundamental to sacred activity. Such are the great teachings of Buddha. What is your response to them? No doubt you all read books containing Buddha’s teachings. But the moment the book is put down, all teachings are forgotten. Remember, only when sandalwood is continuously ground that fragrance can be experienced. It is only when sugarcane is chewed well that sweetness can be experienced in full measure. In the same way, only continued and sustained practice of sacred teachings leads to bliss!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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